
Love God. Love Neighbor. Share Hope.

At Hope Community Church we want to build a multiethnic, multigenerational community of believers that seeks to love God in worship and Word, love our neighbors in East Birmingham through service and sacrifice, and share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Learn More →

This camp is designed to be a fun introduction to basketball that helps each kid develop their skills and build upon what they are learning each week. Each player will need to bring their own Basketball and Water Bottle. 

February 22-March 22

Join us for youth basketball camp with Big Mike every Saturday beginning February 22nd-March 22nd! This is open to children in Kindergarten (K5) through 5th Grade. The cost will be $25 and paid online when registering. Limited scholarships available. If you are interested in a scholarship contact Reggie Hatcher.

This is what HOPE looks like…


February 22nd: Hope Basketball Starts
March 9th: Family Dedication
March 16th: Sharing Hope Weekend

 Upcoming Gatherings

Sunday School - All Ages

9:15 AM — Various Locations

Sunday Worship

10:30 AM — Sanctuary

Wednesday Nights at Hope

Wednesday Night Programming will run January 8 – March 19, 2025. We will have Cornerstone for preschoolers and kids, Celebrate Hope, and Women’s Bible Study. Contact the church office for more details.

Watch the Latest Message

“…having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints…”

Ephesians 1:18