Worship Ministry
Worship Ministry
Hope Worship Ministry exists to glorify God by providing meaningful worship encounters. We accomplish this by being a church deeply rooted in scripture, song, and liturgy. We have deemed ourselves a “Hymntemporary” church. We plan services to first glorify God, then we choose songs and liturgies that honor the message of the service. We sing the oldest hymns and the newest spiritual songs. We honor where we have come from, while also looking to the future of the church.
Core Values
Scripture-Based Music - The music selected for worship encounters at Hope Community Church is theologically vetted and scripturally accurate. We understand some theological foundations may vary due to people's congregational history and we welcome discussion about secondary issues of song theology. However, on the primary issues of Christology, we sing Christ, Christ crucified, and Christ raised from the dead with no apology or discussion.
Liturgy – This word can easily be overcomplicated in the church. It comes from the Greek word leitourgia. It is the combination of 2 words: laos (people) and ergon (work). So literally, liturgy is a work of the people. Hope Community Church engages liturgy in our services in a few ways. One is the ordinance of the believer’s baptism by immersion. Another is the public reading of scripture and prayer. And lastly, we end each service with a formal benediction that reminds us of our mission outside the walls of the church.
Serving – One of the key tenets of Hope Community Church is, “every member serving.” The worship ministry has several ways to accomplish this goal. You can volunteer in the following areas:
If you are interested in serving in any of these areas email jhindman@hopebhm.org.